Notes for DocObjects Framer (Container) Sample Kraig Brockschmidt, November 1995 Framer is intended to demonstrate simple OLE Document Objects hosting as a container. That is, Framer demonstrates the basic support necessary to host DocObjects. It is implemented according to the guidlines in the "Document Objects Specification" document and has been tested against Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel as well as a few other OLE-enabled applications that do not support DocObjects. Framer itself has almost nothing in the way of its own user interface such as a more complete host would, such as the Office Binder. Framer has these menu commands available: Command Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File Open Displays a File Open dialog and allows the user to select a file. Framer will attempt to activate a DocObject for the file. Failing that it will create a standard embedded object and activate it in a separate window. This command is disabled when an object already exists. File/Close must be used before creating another object. File Close Closes the DocObject that is currently open; if the object is just an embedding it will destroy that object which has the effect of closing the server as well. Try opening a .BMP file (which should activate PaintBrush, for instance) and use Close to see the effect. File Exit Performs File/Close if necessary and terminates Framer. Help About Displays Framer's About box. This command exists to demonstrate DocObject Help menu merging. Whenever Framer knows it has an object it displays a small message in its client area to remind you that you have to File/Close before creating another. Creating and Activating an Object --------------------------------- When you "Open" a file in Framer, the code call OleCreateFromFile to create an embedded object from the contents of the file. This has two possible results: 1. An embedded object with a real OLE server behind it. 2. A package object managed by Packager The next step Framer takes is to activate the object with IOleObject::DoVerb passing OLEIVERB_SHOW. If the object is a package object, then packager will launch the file or execute the command line in it as it should. This will generally display another window (like notepad for a TXT file) that is completely disconnected from Framer. Using File/Close in Framer will not affect this other window as that will only destroy the Package object itself. You'll have to manually close the other applications. If the object is a real embedded object, then one of two things will happen upon activation: 1. If the object doesn't know about DocObjects, it is activated in another window. Using File/Close in this case will close the server. Closing the server itself will cause Framer to do the equivalent of File/Close, which frees the object and re-enables File/Open. See CImpIIAdviseSink::OnClose in iadvsink.cpp. The closing sequence is in CFrame::Close in framer.cpp. 2. If the object is a DocObject, then it will start the DocObject activation sequence, primarily by calling IOleDocumentSite::ActivateMe which is found in idocsite.cpp. Inside this member, Framer then performs the standard sequence of document object activation steps. After these steps a DocObject will be fully interactive; using File/Close on the menu, which Framer still owns, will deactivate the object through CFrame::Close which performs the same set of steps as in #1 above. Help Menu Merging ----------------- Framer implements the container side of the Help menu merging protocol described in the Document Object Specification. This involves the members CFrame::InsertMenus, CFrame::SetMenu, and CFrame::RemoveMenus. The InsertMenus method will install Framer's Help menu in the correct location on the shared menu. The container-side popup used here is loaded from Framer's resources on startup in CFrame::Init. Inside CFrame::SetMenu, Framer checks if there's more than one item on the menu added in InsertMenus. If so, then Framer remembers this fact for later message handling. Otherwise Framer removes this menu from the shared menu entirely as the DocObject itself isn't using this shared capability. Inside CFrame::RemoveMenus, Framer simply makes sure that its own Help menu is removed as it should be. The really interesting stuff happens in FrameWndProc (framer.cpp) in the WM_INITMENU, WM_INITMENUPOPUP, WM_MENUSELECT, and WM_COMMAND cases. Inside WM_INITMENU Framer clears a flag that indicates whether the last popup menu that was being used was the object's additions to the Help menu. Inside WM_MENUSELECT, Framer checks if the originating menu is a popup and if so, it checks if that popup is on the shared "Help" popup, and if that is also true then Framer checks if the item being used is the first one or some other one. The first item is what Framer knows to be its own Help item, so it just handles the messages as usual. Otherwise the user is working with a DocObject-owned menu, so Framer sets the flag m_fInObjectHelp variable to TRUE and forwards the message to the object's window (available from IOleInPlaceObject::GetWindow). As long as m_fInObjectHelp is set, Framer will forward WM_COMMAND, WM_INITMENUPOPUP, and WM_MENUSELECT messages. As soon as another WM_MENUSELECT message is seen for another non-object menu, then Framer will reset the flag and begin processing messages once again itself. In this way you'll see, with Microsoft Word for example, the correct behavior of a shared Help popup. Known Feature Limitations ------------------------- 1. Framer does not print so it does not use the IPrint interface nor does it implement IContinueCallback. 2. Framer does nothing with command targets. 3. Framer does not forward owner-draw menu messages to the object which means that if owner-draw menus are used in a DocObject help menu, this sample will not work correctly. 4. Framer does not provide for actually saving any changes made to a DocObject. Because a DocObject is an embedding, Framer has to provide an instance of IStorage through IPersistStorage::InitNew or ::Load. It does this using a temporary Compound File that is deleted when Framer exits. Therefore any changes made to the data in the DocObject will simply be discarded. Potential for Better UI ----------------------- The item #4 above takes a little more explanation. When OleCreateFromFile is used in the File/Open command, Framer is making a COPY of the file contents. When a DocObject is activated with this content, the DocObject has a copy of the file contents, not the contents of the file itself. Therefore any changes made there will not be reflected back into the original file, although Framer's UI suggests that this should happen. A real DocObject container like the Office Binder actually stores all the object data in its own Compound File, not as separate files. If one needs to have a DocObject save into a separate file, then the container needs to either use command-targets or has to call IPersistFile::Save to accomplish this step. In short, DocObjects is not about activating the apps that manipulate files; it's about activating embedded *documents* saved within the container file *as if* those documents were stand alone. Framer's UI, which is really inappropriate for DocObjects, exists as it does for simplicity's sake. A more appropraite container application would maintain its own "files" in which it collected data from a number of other "documents" which are stored simply as embedded objects. The Office Binder does exactly this, where a "Binder" is a Compound File with sub-storages for each "section" in the document. Certainly with some more work on UI, Framer could become such an application.